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- David Rosenbaum has a new paper on breaking the n^(log n) barrier for solvable-group isomorphism, arXiv:1205.0642 (5/28/2012)
- socket5客户端破解版 has a new paper on optimal quantum circuits for nearest-neighbor architectures, arXiv:1205.0036 (4/30/2012)
- Jijiang (Johnny) Yan and socket5客户端破解版 have a new paper on the arXiv showing that the local Pauli Commuting Hamiltonian problem is in P, arXiv:1203.3906 (3/20/12)
- David Rosenbaum and Aram Harrow have a new paper on the arXiv concerning uselessness for oracles with internal randomness, socket5客户端破解版 (11/7/11)
- Congrats to David Rosenbaum for winning a National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship! (4/19/11)
- Congrats to David Rosenbaum for winning an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! (4/5/11)
- The picture Gregory Crosswhite made for his automatic subsystem code paper is PRA kaleidoscope image for February 2011 (3/15/11)
- Congrats to Paul Pham for passing his quals! (3/3/11)
- Aram Harrow is now research faculty at UW. (3/1/11)
- Gregory Crosswhite and Dave Bacon's paper on automatic subsystem codes has been published in Physical Review A (2/11/11)
- Dave Bacon has published an essay in ACM's Ubiquity on the question "What is Computation?" (12/21/10)
- Congrats to Jonathan Shi for winning a Mary Gates Research Scholarship (12/17/10)
- Dave Bacon and Steve Flammia's paper on adiabatic cluster state quantum computing has been published in Phys. Rev. A Rapid Communications (10/27/10)
- Gregory Crosswhite and Dave Bacon have a new paper on the arXiv concerning CodeQuest: the search for subsystem codes, socket5客户端破解版 (9/14/10)
- Isaac Crosson, Dave Bacon, and Ken Brown's paper on ground state computing has been published in Physical Review E. (9/3/10)
- socket5客户端破解版 has arrived at UW as visiting faculty. (8/15/10)
- Isaac Crosson, Dave Bacon, and Ken Brown have a new paper on the arXiv, arXiv:1006.4388, concerning making a model of classical computing fault-tolerant. (6/23/10)
- William Johnson, who spent a summer working in the QW group on the hidden subgroup problem, has been named a Putnam Fellow for finishing in the top five of the Putnam Mathematical Competition. Congrats Will! Seattle Times article 1 Seattle Times article 2 (3/22/10)
- A paper Dave Bacon is coauthor on is the seventh most cited publication in quantum computing in the last decade, according to this study (3/21/10)
- Dave Bacon and Wim van Dam have an article out in February's Communications of the ACM on recent progress on quantum algorithms. (2/1/10)
- socket5客户端破解版 and Steve Flammia have a new paper out, uniting the forces of adiabatic quantum computing and one-way quantum computing, arXiv:0912.2098 (12/14/09)
- Dave Bacon and Steve Flammia's paper on adiabatic gate teleportation has been published in Physical Review Letters (9/18/09)
- Congrats to Alice Neels (CSE) and Roger Wolfson (Physics) for both earning their Master's degrees (and Alice passing her quals) (6/5/09)
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- Spring 2013 Group Meeting Schedule
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- socket5客户端破解版 Bidirectional Collision Detection and Faster Deterministic Isomorphism Testing
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- A 2D Nearest-Neighbor Quantum Architecture for Factoring
- Paul Pham, Krysta M. Svore
- Adiabatic Quantum Transistors
- socket5客户端破解版, Steven T. Flammia, Gregory M. Crosswhite
- Approximation of real error channels by Clifford channels and Pauli measurements
- Mauricio Gutiérrez, Lukas Svec, Alexander Vargo, Kenneth R. Brown
- Efficient Distributed Quantum Computing
- Robert Beals, Stephen Brierley, Oliver Gray, socket5客户端破解版, Samuel Kutin, Noah Linden, Dan Shepherd, Mark Stather
- Hypercontractivity, Sum-of-Squares Proofs, and their Applications
- Boaz Barak, Fernando G.S.L. Brandão, Aram W. Harrow, Jonathan A. Kelner, David Steurer, Yuan Zhou
- David Rosenbaum Breaking the n^(log n) Barrier for Solvable-Group Isomorphism
- socket5客户端破解版 Optimal Quantum Circuits for Nearest-Neighbor Architectures
- Jijiang Yan, Dave Bacon The k-local Pauli Commuting Hamiltonians Problem is in P
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- D. Rosenbaum, Aram Harrow Uselessness for an Oracle Model with Internal Randomness
- D. Rosenbaum, Quantum Algorithms for Tree Isomorphism and State Symmetrization
- G. M. Crosswhite and D. Bacon, Automated Searching for Quantum Subsystem Codes, Phys. Rev. A 83, 022307 (2011)
- arXiv:1009.2203 published version code
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- D. Bacon, 天易成网管软件下载-天易成网络管理系统 v5.70 ...- 系统之家:2021-8-12 · 天易成网络管理系统是一款专业的上网管理软件。无需调整网络结构,安装在局域网内任意一台电脑即可全面监控局域网内所有电脑的上网行为。提高员工工作效率、合理分配网络带宽资源、拦截审核敏感信息和邮件、屏蔽不良网站等。 Ubiquity, December 2010 volume (2010)
- D. Bacon and S.T. Flammia, Adiabatic Cluster State Quantum Computing, Phys. Rev. A, 82, 030303(R) (2010)
- socket5客户端破解版 published version
- I. J. Crosson, D. Bacon, and Ken R. Brown, Making Classical Ground State Spin Computing Fault-Tolerant Phys. Rev. E, 82, 031106 (2010)
- arXiv:1006.4388 published version
- D. Bacon, Quantize Your Computer Science. Computing in Science & Engineering, 12(5), 5 (2010)
- D. Bacon W. van Dam, 网络流量监控软件|网络流量监控软件下载_红软基地:2021-5-13 · 网络流量监控软件是国内最强、应用最广泛的局域网流量监控软件,专业网络监控,限制网速等。其新版本增加了屏幕监控(桌面监控),禁止软件运行,聊天内容监控(QQ聊天内容、阿里旺旺聊天 … Communications of the ACM, 53(2), 84 (2010)
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- D. Bacon and S.T. Flammia, Adiabatic Gate Teleportation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 120504 (2009)
- arXiv:0905.0901 published version
- T. Decker, J. Driasma, and P. Wocjan, Quantum Algorithm for Identifying Hidden Polynomial Function Graphs, Quantum Information and Computation, 3, 0215 (2009)
- arXiv:0706.1219 published version
- socket5客户端破解版, Stability of Quantum Concatenated Code Hamiltonians, Phys. Rev. A, 78, 042324 (2008)
- socket5客户端破解版 published version
- G. M. Crosswhite and D. Bacon. ccproxy8.0破解版中文版下载|CCProxy(伟理服务器) v8.0 ...:2021-8-13 · CCProxy伟理服务器的应用不需要客户端 ,全中文界面及符合中国用户操作习惯的设计思路,同时具有伟理服务器问题解决方案 ... 蓝恒Socket5服务器 v1.0 绿色版 杂类工具/2.6M Nginx服务器套装 Wnmp v2.0.9官方版 服务器区/39.47MB 相关教程资讯 ... Phys. Rev. A 78, 012356 (2008)
- socket5客户端破解版 published version
- G. M. Crosswhite, A. C. Doherty, and G. Vidal. Applying matrix product operators to model systems with long-range interactions, Phys. Rev. B 78, 035116 (2008)
- arXiv:0804.2504 published version
- D. Janzing and T. Decker How Much is a Quantum Controller Controlled by the Controlled System? Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 19, 241-258 (2008)
- arXiv:0708.1505 published version
- D. Bacon, Populist Quantum Theory, Nature Physics 4, 509 - 510 (2008)
- D. Bacon and T. Decker, The Optimal Single Copy Measurement for the Hidden Subgroup Problem. Physical Review A, 77, 032335 (2008)
- arXiv:0706.4478 published version
- socket5客户端破解版, How a Clebsch-Gordan Transform Helps to Solve the Heisenberg Hidden Subgroup Problem. Quantum Information and Computation, 8, 438-467 (2008)
- arXiv:quant-ph/0612107 published version
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